Squad structure and requirements

Placement in a particular squad is at the discretion of the coaches and may be influenced by factors other than the swimmer’s current technique.


Requirements to join squad

  • Preferably 8 years old (7 if very strong swimmer, clearly able to complete all elements of trial and mature enough to focus for 45 minutes and change independently)
  • Demonstrate good water confidence
  • Demonstrate a handstand and a forward somersault in water (does not have to be perfect but need to demonstrate confidence and orientation underwater)
  • Can swim underwater for 5 metres
  • Swim 25 metres of basic front crawl and back crawl without stopping
  • Swim 25 metres of basic breast stroke without stopping
  • Swim 25 meters of basic butterfly without stopping
  • Swim 100m of any stroke
  • Tread water for 30 seconds using any leg kick maintaining position in pool
  • During a trial session demonstrate good stamina and focus throughout, following instructions and keeping to the pace of other swimmers in the lane.

(Equivalent to Wave 6)

Focus of squad

  • Developing basic strokes
  • Improving stamina
  • Working on core aquatic skills (breathing, rotation, streamlining)
  • Introducing diving and other starts
  • Developing lane discipline, focus and concentration
  • Introducing fins
  • Working towards Academy Gold criteria


Requirements to join squad

  • Demonstrate an underwater push and glide with 3 dolphin kicks into 25m continuous front crawl
  • Demonstrate an underwater push and glide with 3 dolphin kicks into 25m continuous back crawl
  • Swim 25m breaststroke demonstrating the correct stroke sequence – pull/breath/kick/glide
  • Swim 25m head led dolphin kick (assisted with fins)
  • Swim 15m continuous butterfly
  • Swim 50m any stroke, following basic stroke rules, with a legal turn and finish
  • Demonstrate a forward somersault underwater turning straight over the central axis
  • Perform a sitting and standing dive from poolside
  • Demonstrate strong focus concentration and stamina throughout the session

(Equivalent to wave 7)

Focus of squad

  • Continuing to develop basic strokes
  • Introducing basic FINA rules (starts, stroke, turns, finish)
  • Improving stamina ready for 90 min training session
  • Continuing to develop core aquatic skills
  • Improving dives/starts/turns
  • Working towards criteria for Development


Requirements to join squad

  • Demonstrate an underwater push and glide on front with 3 dolphin kicks into 50m continuous front crawl with a tumble turn
  • Demonstrate an underwater push and glide on back with 3 dolphin kicks into 50m continuous back crawl with a legal turn
  • Demonstrate an underwater push and glide with 3 dolphin kicks into 25m butterfly following FINA stroke rules
  • Swim 50m breast stroke with correct stroke sequence and turn/finish
  • Swim 100m continuously of any stroke demonstrating good basic technique and legal touches/turns
  • Swim 100 medley in correct order with legal touches/turns
  • Perform a basic dive from the block
  • Demonstrate strong focus, concentration, and stamina throughout the session

Focus of Squad

  • Work to move strokes from basic to efficient with a greater focus on breathing/timing
  • Continue to develop competitive starts and turns and introduce the BR underwater phase
  • Develop stamina and work towards a 400m continuous swim in front crawl and a 200m continuous swim in back crawl
  • Develop ability to independently follow a coach prescribed set using pace clock and demonstrating good technique, including starts and turns
  • Work towards criteria for advanced development


Requirements to join squad

  • Demonstrate the correct underwater phase for each competitive stroke
  • Demonstrate a racing start into each competitive stroke
  • Legally swim 400m of front crawl and 200m back crawl from a racing start demonstrating efficient technique with correct touches and turns
  • Swim 100m of breast stroke as above
  • Swim 50m butterfly as above
  • Demonstrate an understanding of swimming off a time by swimming an 8 x 50m set of front crawl off a time set by the coach using the pace clock
  • Swim at least 15m underwater fly kick from wall (with Fins) holding streamline

Focus of squad

  • Focus on different types of training (aerobic/speed)
  • Introduce proper sprint training
  • Focus on improving all strokes to become efficient
  • Use warm up and cool down effectively
  • Use consistent and effective drills to improve strokes
  • Improve stamina by introducing longer main sets and increasing overall distance
  • Improve effectiveness of underwater phase
  • Working towards criteria for Regional Performance


  • Demonstrate a racing start for each competitive stroke with correct underwater phase and smooth transition straight into a 25m sprint with legal finish
  • Swim 400m front crawl following FINA rules from a racing start with legal turns and correct finish in less than 7:00
  • Swim 200m back crawl following FINA rules from a racing start with legal turns and finish
  • Swim 200m breast stroke following FINA rules from a racing start with legal turns and finish
  • Swim at least 20m underwater fly kick from wall (with fins) holding streamline
  • Swim 200m medley from racing start in correct order following FINA stroke rules and with legal turns and finish
  • Demonstrate that all 4 strokes are efficient and #1 stroke is moving towards effective

Focus of Squad

  • Develop strokes towards effective
  • Achieve regional qualification times
  • Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of stroke and race rules
  • Continue to develop fitness and independence in training
  • 400m FC time trial – improve stamina
  • Introduce threshold training to older swimmers using 10 x 100m threshold sets at a coach set pace